Health & Wellness

School Immunization Information


See the immunization requirements for the 2023-2024 school year.

School Immunization Information2023-08-27T12:10:56-05:00

Smart Snack


Click this link for Smart Snack Information that answers questions about the Smart Snack regulations, and this pdf which gives guidance about exempt fundraisers.

Smart Snack2020-04-12T14:09:25-05:00

Suicide Prevention


Toolkit from Zero Suicide Institute

Suicide Prevention2023-08-27T09:51:27-05:00

Gun Safety for Children


By Kimberly Martin, Kansas PTA Vice President of Advocacy 2019-2021 According to the Center for Disease Control Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (CDC WISQARS) 78 children, teens and young adults are injured or killed by guns on a daily basis in the United States (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2019). The safest home for children and teens is a home without guns, but there are ways to make homes with guns safer. It is not enough to teach kids gun safety or not to touch a gun if they find one (“Firearm-Related Injuries Affecting the Pediatric Population,” 2012). There are [...]

Gun Safety for Children2020-03-29T19:49:29-05:00

Special Education Resources


1.       Families Together Inc. is a wonderful resource for families in Kansas who have children with special needs. Programs are available in English and Spanish and are provided at no cost.  They can help answer questions about how to access educational services, health plans and resources. They can help parents develop advocacy skills for their child and connect parents to other parents who have gone through a similar path.  You can access their resources here: 2.       Federal IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act) law lays out important provisions that schools must follow when evaluating students for special education services, [...]

Special Education Resources2020-03-27T13:24:49-05:00
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