March 23, 2020

Re: Communication within Local PTA Units

Greetings Kansas PTA Unit President,

Due to the closing of Kansas schools by the Governor, we know that many of you are wondering how to conduct essential business within your local PTA. Please know that Kansas PTA is here for you and we will all work together to make sure that everything continues to run smoothly for your unit and school.

I have been asked specificallym “How do we handle year end elections?” and “How do we communicate to our members about elections?”

Your local Unit Bylaws should in most respects mirror the Kansas PTA State Bylaws. In reference to communications and electronic meetings, the State Bylaws allow the following:


Section 1. Meetings. The Kansas PTA Board of Managers and all committees and subcommittees shall be authorized to meet by telephone conference or through other electronic communications media so long as all the members can simultaneously hear each other and participate during the meeting. Participation in a meeting pursuant to this Section shall constitute presence in person at such meeting.

Section 2. Communication. Unless members indicate otherwise to Kansas PTA, all communication required in these bylaws, including meeting notices, may be sent electronically. Though the above Kansas PTA State Bylaws refer to the “Board of Managers” it does not limit the Bylaws applicability to your local Unit / Council / Region PTA. As I said above, your local Unit Bylaws should mirror the State Bylaws. Email communication between your PTA members, Board members etc. is clearly allowed by our Bylaws. However, where in person meetings for the conduct of business and / or voting are not possible, or safe, meetings of either your Board or regular PTA members does need to be by audio or video in such a manner that “…the members can simultaneously hear each other and participate during the meeting.” If you have the ability to phone conference, Skype, Zoom, Gsuite or something similar, you will have no problem complying with the Bylaws.

Bottom line; communicate with your members. Let them know that everything will be okay, and we will get through this unprecedented time with grace. If you have any questions, I encourage you to reach out to your Field Service Representative or myself. Again, we will get through this together.

Thank you for your time and willingness to be a part of this amazing Association.


Lauri DeNooy, MBA
2019-2021 Kansas PTA President

Travis Harrod
2019-2021 Kansas PTA Bylaws Chairman