A PTA (parent-teacher association) or PTSA (parent-teacher-student association) is a self-governing local unit of National PTA. Although most PTAs are organized in schools, PTAs can also be organized in other places where parents or others concerned about the health, education and well-being of children and youth wish to meet. Anyone – parent, school principal, teacher or other interested, caring person – may take the first step toward organizing a PTA. To become a PTA contact:
Kansas PTA
715 SW Tenth Street
Topeka, KS 66612
Phone: 785-234-5782
Toll Free: 888-311-5782
Fax: 785-324-4170
E-Mail: kansaspta@gmail.com
Members of the Kansas PTA Board of Managers are available to address your group, providing information about PTA and helpful materials.