Kansas PTA Membershp Awards – 2023-2024 School Year
2024-04-19T10:24:27-05:00Announcing the winners of the Kansas PTA General Membership Awards for the 2023-2024 school year.
Announcing the winners of the Kansas PTA General Membership Awards for the 2023-2024 school year.
KS PTA announces its annual Citizenship Writing Contest winners.
KS PTA announces its annual Citizenship Writing Contest winners.
KS PTA announces its annual Citizenship Writing Contest winners.
KS PTA announces its Reflections Winners. All winners go on to be judged at the National PTA level.
KS PTA announces its Reflections Winners. All winners go on to be judged at the National PTA level.
National PTA School of Excellence is a recognition program that supports and celebrates partnerships between PTAs and schools to enrich the educational experience and overall well-being for all students. As a National PTA School of Excellence, families feel welcomed and empowered to support student success, and PTA is a key partner for continuous school improvement.